Bronze League Match – Newark Home 7/6

We had our first Bronze League Match against Newark at home on Friday. A great start with a home win of 3.5 to 1.5. Summer still hadn’t arrived the weather was cold and dismal but our spirits were high. We had some great individual results but the stand out match was Jo Fisher finishing 7 and 5, a resounding win, well done Jo. Harriet completed her match on the 15th hole with a win of 4 and 3, Carole also had a great game with another win for Ramsdale. Sharon was one down on the 16th after her opponent sunk a 6 footer for Par, and halved the 17th, so all to play for on the last hole. The match was halved after Sharon sunk a 10ft put for birdie. Doreen also had a great game with a win, however we had to concede that match, due to use of a buggy, without prior consent. A little disappointing, but a lesson learned.

A big thank you goes out to Carole, for organising the match and food, and team. 


Updated: 11th June 2024 — 5:45 am